Funny Cats Vine Compilation September 2015


Make sure you change her to a special diet full of vitamins and minerals to put her in top condition for pregnancy and always have plenty of water available. Find an out of the way place, such as a warm cupboard for mother to be able to escape away before and after birth with the kittens. This will make her feel safe and not have the need to transfer her litter to another quieter spot, which can put the kittens in danger at this very young age! 

How To Stop Your Cat Scratching You know how annoying it can be when you have an itch, but you can't reach it to give it a scratch? Well, when your cat has fleas it's like your problem, just multiplied a hundred times. If your cat has fleas or ticks, you need to take action. If they are scratching or have irritated skin, your cats need you to bring this problem under control because it can become a much larger problem if you do not. 

Don t move too quickly, or the cat might misunderstand. When teaching a kitten only do it for half hour a day and only repeat a few times. As an annoyed kitten will not learn anything. If you are forbidding something, be consistent. Don t change your mind, and stick to the same command. If you ve caught your cat doing something bad, give it a quick squirt of water from a plant sprayer. 

In order to help you to make a choice about breeds, here is some useful information. Do you want a cat that can entertain himself and not get into mischief? Then don t consider the Sphynx, the Rex, the British Angora and the Siamese. These cats are energetic and seem to be looking for trouble. For those who are looking for a cat to provide them with entertainment, these are a good choice. 

Cats that are finicky may waste a lot of food by refusing to eat it if it has been sitting in the feeder for too long. Another type to consider is the automatic cat feeder. These have several compartments. The feeder s lid has an opening that will allow the cat to eat out of one compartment at a time. 

Wrap him up in the towels and blot off as much of the water as possible from his body. Use a dry towel as a second blotting tool. Now, he ll finish the job himself. For those who have a long haired cat, you can use a blow dryer at the very lowest setting if you keep it continuously moving so that you do not burn him. 

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