Cats Love Babies Compilation

Although advances in veterinary care, better nutrition and better educated owners have helped improve the quantity and quality of these years,

How I Trained My Cats

For a number of reasons all your cats must be spayed/neutered. If possible arrange to bath your new kitten at a friends house before you take it home, this will neutralize kitty's odor, and go some way to prevent unsettling your cat.

father and son-cat stevens [lyrics]

father and son - cat stevens [lyrics]For kittens and still growing cats you ll want an adjustable collar to allow for some growth, but make sure you check the fit on a regular basis.

Cute is Not Enough-Funny Cats and Dogs Compilation

It helps avoid strangulation as well as being trapped. Even though a smart cat can figure out how to escape its collar, this is an important safety feature that you should seriously consider.

Caravan Palace-Lone Digger

What you need to do is make sure to check your pet for fleas all the time. You can do this with a flea comb. Carefully comb through the cat s hair and pay attention to the hair around the cat s head and his belly.

Cat: Refusing to eat


Cat: Refusing to eat

A feline that no longer eats is not a very good sign. Indeed, an anorexic state occurring suddenly in an animal, as greedy as the cat, is a warning sign that should not be overlooked.

Often a loss of appetite can only reflect a disturbance directly related to physical, medical, or other factors that are not found in the medical setting.

However, the danger of an anorexic state in your pet stems from the fact that if, through ignorance or negligence, you do not take such symptoms seriously, the condition of your small animal can quickly deteriorate, and put into play its vital prognosis.

Cat that no longer eats: the causes

"My darling, used to devouring the contents of his bowl with enthusiasm, I swear he would meow with delight when I served him his food. But suddenly he doesn't want it anymore, my cat doesn't eat anymore !! What are the possible causes of this strange behavior? ".

Like dogs, cats can suffer from occasional inappetence. Your feline may, however, go to his bowl, sniff, and walk away or meow in front of it, without touching it, or he may show indifference to its contents.

Indeed, the main causes for a loss of appetite in your cat are very numerous, here are some of the most common reasons that can explain and clarify why your pet is abstaining from food:

The presence of painful oral discomfort caused by tartaric build-up, gingivostomatitis, or an inflammatory lesion of dental origin. These will cause the feline to avoid feeding, all simply so as not to suffer and be in pain. Pharyngitis, parasitic infections (worms), Typhus and feline leukemia. Kidney failure, heart failure and hyperthyroidism.

Impaired smell during a common cold sore infection.

Poisoning by a toxic product, swallowing a tiny object or a ball of hair, in short, anything that can obstruct the digestive system and interfere with the occlusal transit in cats.

Senescence, and joint disorders such as arthritis, or the change in nutritional needs related to advanced age Stress, anxiety, depression: the cat is particularly sensitive to any change in its environment, habits , food, moving or even the arrival of another animal, or a new person. This is psychogenic anorexia.